Sunday 17 August 2008

Cycling is safer on the Streets

From Principles of cycle planning by John Franklin

A statement by the Austrian government makes the point: "Most bicycle accident victims are older people and children. They are put at risk by the complexity of cycle paths on the one hand and on the other hand by their over-confidence that their safety on cycle paths is substantially greater than on the road.

At the international Velo City conference in Munich this year, a Swiss delegate described how there has been a major shift in his country from accommodating cyclists separately to mixing cyclists with traffic, with changes to the road environment as necessary. This has led to big increases in cycling. The mayors of Munich, Brussels, Copenhagen and Paris each explicitly stated how they wanted cycling back on their streets. And even a speaker from the Netherlands defined 'cycle-friendly cities' as those with as few special facilities for cyclists as possible.

We don't need cycle facilities, we need streets which are safe for cycling.

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